Friday, November 18, 2016

Wrapping Up

Students finished their cover sheets and submitted final draft research essays to They spent the remainder of the period working on their Poetry Out Loud poems.

By the time we return from break, students should have both poems

1) Annotated

1.   Circle any words that you don’t know.  Look those words up in the dictionary and write the definition somewhere in the right-hand margin of your page, near the poem.
2.   Underline any phrases that you don’t understand. 
3.   Write 3 questions that you have about the poem in the right-hand margin.

4.   Write a 2 sentence summary of what you think the poem is about underneath the poem.

2) SOAPSToned (see handout at Google Classroom), and
3) Paraphrased.

The should also be rehearsing their reading/recitation. See the Poetry Out Loud website for tips.

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