Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"We Real Cool" Part 2

Today we finished analyzing "We Real Cool" using teh analytical steps below:
  1. ANNOTATE the poem. On a copy of the poem itself, mark features that stand out (rhyme, stanzas, type of poem, alliteration, consonance, enjambment, syllables, metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, etc.), note difficult words or lines, indicate questions or comments, etc.
  2. PARAPHRASE the poem in simple, everyday sentences. Look up words if needed.
  3. SUMMARIZE the poem in a sentence or two.
  4. Explain the TONE of the poem in a sentence or two. Use our list of tone words if they help.
  5. Explain the THEME of the poem in a sentence or two.
  6. Write an ANALYTICAL PARAGRAPH about how one aspect of the poem affects either the theme or the tone. Your paragraph should begin with a sentence that clearly states the aspect and the effect. Support your point with quotations from the poem itself.
HW: Finish the paragraph for step 6 if necessary. Due 10/28

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