Friday, December 18, 2009

Finishing the Play

Today we finished Romeo and Juliet. We will continue writing about it when we return from break.

Enjoy the holidays!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Two For One

Today we began the day by copying a thematic quotation from the act 1 or 2 notes and explaining what theme it demonstrated. Then I assigned the homework which was to follow the pattern we have been working with all week and write a full analytical paragraph. Then we finished act 3 and did a quick act summary.
HW Finish paragraph based on WU quotation. Due Thursday.

Today we highlighted the parts of the paragraphs written for homework and handed them in. We also finished act 4.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

More Paragraphs and Shakespeare

Today we put together the warm-ups from the past three days into one, long paragraph. We spent the rest of the day on Romeo and Juliet, reading 3.2-3.4.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Commentary & Act 3

Today we added the commentary to the paragraph warm-ups we've been doing all week. We spent the rest of the period reading 3.2-3.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Topic Sentences, Essays and Summaries

Today we began by writing a topic sentence for the quotation we wrote about on Tuesday. We spent a few moments reviewing the essay started yesterday, and then spent most of our time on the act 2 summary. In Periods 1 and 4 we started act 3.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Balcony: 3 Versions

Today we watched three versions of the famous balcony scene. Students took notes on each versions and will write a short evaluative essay (suggested structures are below).

HW Essays (handwritten drafts are fine) due Friday 12/11.

Outline Option One
I. General background on the scene and the three versions.
II. Version 1
  a. Aspect 1 (music, acting, costumes, etc.)
  b. Aspect 2
III. Version 2 (follow same pattern as II)
IV. Version 3 (follow same pattern as above)
V. Conclusion=Your favorite based on the above aspects.

Outline Option 2
I. General background on the scene, versions and aspects to be covered.
II. Aspect 1 (music, acting, costumes, etc.)
  a. Version 1
  b.Version 2
  c. Version 3
III. Aspect 2 (follow same pattern as II)
IV (and V or more would follow the same pattern as above).
V. Conclusion=Your favorite based on the above.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The End of Act 2

Today we started with a quotation warm-up analyzing theme and then finished act 2 of R & J.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I'm Back!

Today we started with a brief "what do you remember" quiz and spent the day mostly reviewing act 2 so far (2.2 through 2.4).